A: Entry sheets are documents for application that are individually made by the companies. The contents of the questions vary from company to company, but the standards are Self-PR, your motivational letter and to write about something you worked hard on during your student life. After you “entered” the company in which you are interested, you will also have to do employment exams, but please think of the entry sheet (ES) as the first exam. (※ Selection steps vary from company to company and sometimes there are written exams right from the start.) Handing in your ES means you officially took the first step to apply for the job. There are deadlines for handing in ES, so please prepare to be in time for the deadline by managing your schedule in advance.
A:기업자체가 작성한 신청서입니다. 질문내용은 기업마다 다릅니다만, 자기PR이나 지망동기, 학창시절에 열심히 했던것이 주된입니다.흥미가 있는 기업에 엔트리를 한 후,드디어 회사에서 시험을 합니다만,엔트리시트는 첫번째 시험이라고 생각해주세요.(※전형단계는 기업에 따라 다양한 필기 시험이 처음일 경우도 있습니다.)ES를 제출하고 처음으로 응모하는 것을 의미입니다. ES는 제출기한이 있으므로 일정관리를 세워 제출 기한에 맞춰 미리 준비합시다.