

6.求人サイト以外で会社の探し方はありますか?6. Is there a way to search for companies besides websites with job offers?6.구인사이트 의외에 회사를 찾는 방법이 있습니까?

6. Is there a way to search for companies besides websites with job offers?
A: The first way is to look for job offers at the department for job hunting or career support office at your university, or at “Hello Work” offices (a Japanese company for employment service). The second way is to go to explanatory meetings of companies or jointly held job fairs. At jointly held ones you can meet with various companies at one time. However, many job fairs are held for Japanese students, so we suggest you to ask whether foreigners can apply in advance. The third way to search for companies is to read newspapers and business magazines. In newspapers and business magazines you can find a lot of introductions of global companies. If you find a job that is linked with your home country or your field of specialty, we advise you to directly approach them. Department for job hunting also has newspapers and business magazines too.
6.구인사이트 의외에 회사를 찾는 방법이 있습니까?
A:먼저 첫번째는 대학교의 취업과나 경력지원과,핼로우워크에 가서, 구인표를 보는것
입니다.두번째는 공동설명회나 회사설명회에 가는것입니다.공동설명회에서는 한번에 여러기업과 만날수있습니다.단지, 많은 설명회와 일본인학생위주로 되어있기때문에,설명을 듣기전에 외국인의 응모가 가능한가를 확인하도록합시다. 세번째는 신문과비지니스잡지를 읽는것입니다.신문,비지니스잡지에는 많은 글로벌한 기업이 소개되어있습니다. 만약 모국이나 전문과 관계되는 일을 찾으면, 자신이 적극적으로 접근해봅시다.신문,비지니스잡지는 취업과에 있습니다.