10. 合同企業説明会って何ですか?
気をつけることは、日本学生を対象とした合説に行く際は、企業の説明を聞く前に、「私は留学生ですが応募できますか?」と一度 質問することをオススメします。
10. What is a joint career fair (goudou kigyou setsumeikai)?
A: This is a career search event where several companies gather in one location to introduce their businesses to fair participants. In Japan, such events are known as gou-setsu. The biggest merit of gou-setsu is how it lets you learn about many different companies at one time.
Companies will introduce their businesses and work content, and give explanations about their recruitment packages, selection procedures and talk about their company philosophies and working environments, which makes it really easy for participants to visualize what it’s like working with them, and what they need to prepare when applying for a job at these companies.
The good thing about joint career fairs is how you can meet with companies that you don’t know of, or those that didn’t come up in your own job search. It might also be a company that didn’t initially appeal to you, but their presentations at these joint career fairs may help to change your mind about them.
One important thing to note however, is that you should ask the exhibiting companies if they are seeking applications from international students before sitting down to attend their briefings. (This is always a better idea than having to find out that they aren’t actually looking to hire foreigners after you’ve listened to their presentations.)
In Japan, there are companies that are actively seeking global talent, and some others who do not currently see the need to hire foreigners. As job seekers, it’s important to find out which are the companies that are looking to add international members to their team.
10.합동기업설명회란 무엇인 가요?
하나의 회장에 다수의 기업이 모이는 취업이벤트입니다. 일본에서는 줄여서「합설:고우세츠」라고 말합니다. 합설의 좋은점은「한번에 많은 기업을 만날수있다! 」라는 것입니다.
또한, 인사담당자와 직접 사업내용이나 일하는 내용,회사의 분위기, 고용조건,전형방법등을 들을수 있기 때문에,그 회사에서 일하는 이미지나 앞으로의 준비해야할것을 알 수 있습니다.특히 흥미를 가지고있는 회사가 없어도, 이야기를 듣고나서,흥미를 가질수 있게되는 것과 자신이 예상하지못한 기업과 만날 수 있습니다.
조심해야 할 것은 일본학생을 대상으로한 합설에 갈때에는 기업의 설명을 듣기전에, 「저는 유학생입니다만,응모가 가능합니까? 」라고 한번 질문을 하는 것을 추천합니다.
마지막까지 이야기를 듣고, 유학생은 응모가 불가능합니다.라고 들었을때 씁쓸하죠.
기업에 따라서 유학생을 채용하고 싶은 기업과 그렇지 않은 회사도 있습니다.어디의 회사가 외국인을 채용하고싶어 하는 회사인지 찾아보는것은 중요합니다.